Help for violent people

Anyone who hurts others physically or emotionally must take responsibility and get help. A change of behaviour can be achieved by attending counselling sessions.

Important to know

Are you afraid of losing control and shouting at, hitting or threatening another person? Do you sometimes find it difficult to deal with your anger? Demonstrate courage and get help.

Violence is prohibited in Switzerland and will be punished.

Where can I find help?

Lernprogramm gegen Häusliche Gewalt, 062 550 20 20,
The educational programme against domestic violence (Lernprogramm gegen Häusliche Gewalt) teaches people how to resolve conflicts without violence. The programme takes place in group settings and is aimed at adults (+18). In some cases, it is possible to complete the programme in a one-on-one setting. If required, a translation service can be organized.

Tel 143 – Die Dargebotene Hand, 143 (24h), English hotline 0800 143 000,

Anyone who needs someone to talk to right away can contact the Helping Hand service (Die Dargebotene Hand) by phone, text message, chat or email. There is always someone there. Even at night. They can be contacted without providing a name (anonymously).

Violence is never the answer.